Monday, August 13, 2007


In Singapore, they sell this drink called Anything. It has 6 different flavours but they don't tell you what flavour you are gonna get. Have you heard those whiner baby people? All they do is whine to their mommas! When their moms scold them, they run their mom saying,"Mom , my mom scolded me". Its like OMGWTFBBQ!?!?! Whiner babies can't take a joke. When they watch Yo Momma! on MTV, they will go crying to their mom saying ,"Mom, the tv made fun of me". if any whiner babies are spotted, stay away! I repeat, stay away if their mothers are nearby. You can help the cause against whiner babies. Call 1800-help im being attacked by a whiner baby and I'm calling this number cause some stupid blogger told me this and if you don't get down fast, the whiner baby's mom will tear me to pieces so you better come down with the Anti Whiner Baby repellent or ill call Fall Out Boy to come and beat you up with their guitar and such like.

By Ryan

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