Saturday, August 11, 2007

World Of Hippies

It has been noticed(by Ryan and Elton) that the world has had a sudden surge of hippies. Many of you might ask us, what on earth/mars/venus are hippies? Hippies are insensitive people who talk like Eric Cartman and smoke pot all day long and say "Where's my chicken pot pie,man. The cold 45 degree weather is freezing my aboot,man". We have also noticed that the government all over the world are not doing anything about this. This is most alarming as when hippies take over the world, they will turn it in Communist Canada, or Soviet Russia. Therefore we should all unite and join the All Nations Treaty for International Hippy Interrogation and Phat Pot in (termination) for an Everlasting Society(A.N.T.I.-H.I.P.P.I.E.S)

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